
Changes are everywhere in the school bus industry and that is also true here at IPTA. The Board of Directors has established the dues structure in an effort to generate improved programs to help you achieve your goals of providing safe bus rides for students and confidence for their parents who depend on you every school day.

IPTA has a tiered School District Membership according to the size of your school district. This type of membership is typical among many organizations and associations today and permits the opportunity for association efficiency of operations while increasing and improving a wider range of benefits for our district members.

  School Enrollment      Member Price

  • 0-399                    $ 120.00
  • 400-599                $ 180.00
  • 600-999                $ 240.00
  • 1000-2999            $ 300.00
  • 3000+                    $ 365.00

IPTA District Memberships run for 1 year from the date that you join. 

For new members all you will need to do is click on the "Join Now" button and provide your information and the program will automatically send you an invoice by email or you can pay by credit card.

As memberships expire a reminder email will be sent out automatically 60 days in advance to rejoin the IPTA.  

We hope you will carefully consider the following benefits of having a School District Membership.

School District Membership benefits will include:

  • Reduced fees for the IPTA Conference/Trade Show Des Moines, Iowa
  • Regional Training Meetings (reduced cost or in many cases, no cost to member districts)
  • Accessible lists for IPTA sustaining company vendors
  • Legislative updates and actions
  • New Transportation Director Annual Training Workshop
  • Opportunities for IPTA Board Positions (if interested call IPTA Executive Director for details)
  • Unlimited duplication rights to quarterly IPTA Newsletter (Bus Stop News) from secure website
  • Unlimited duplication rights to T.E.A.M. Manual from secure website
  • Access to "Members Only" area of IPTA website
  • Updates pertaining to State and Federal Grant applications
  • Voting privilege for Board of Director positions
  • Website access on your Smart Phone or iPad

Your IPTA has and will continue to be actively involved in legislative advocacy for our members and Iowa’s school transportation programs by working closely with the Iowa Department of Education, School Administrators of Iowa, Iowa DOT, Iowa Association of School Boards staff lobbyists and local legislators on issues that impact school transportation here in Iowa.

Thank you for your support of the Iowa Pupil Transportation Association.

The IPTA would like to invite you to be a part of this historic Iowa transportation organization.  As the Executive Director of the Iowa Pupil Transportation Association, I am looking forward to working with your school district.


David Johnson

Executive Director

Iowa Pupil Transportation Association

Direct Line: 712-830-3242